Not So Sunny(bank)
A fairly breezy day, mostly cloudy but dry in the morning. Drizzle rain after lunch, much the same tonight.
Arrived early at work, headed out on the south essykert. Jack has been driving, loading with black bags with John. Walkies with Sammy after work. A evening at home. We've been working on the bathroom, might be a major job. Some telly time and feet up.
A busy and heavy load of black bag waste today. We headed along Eastvoe, through to Uradale, then over the bridge to Trondra, heading into Burra. A long drive back, finishing off in south Tingwall. It soon warmed up as we started hentin bags into the back, but didn't really ever brighten, quite a dull day. The name of this street didn't even live up to it's name. John (Hutchison) throwing the bags into the essykert, Sunnybank, West Burra.
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