Beautiful late afternoon ride on Buddy. We had to rush as thought I had to take Eva to swimming but got home and she's feeling under the weather so we didn't go. She, along with several other children, are having issues with a boy in her class. This week it escalated and he kicked her on the back of the leg and she now has a massive bruise. Then she had to sit next to him in geography and they were supposed to share a book. He refused and when she argued with him about it he accused her of assaulting him and called her a racist! Not the first time. Yesterday she had to be collected from school with tummy ache. She didn't want to go to school this morning but didn't seem unwell so we made her go only to get another phone call at lunchtime. Neither of us could collect her so she did stay at school. Can't help feeling that the two things are related. Anyway we've complained to school and Mike spoke to her form tutor this afternoon and it's being dealt with. Apparently there have been a lot of complaints about this kid :0(
He's the only one who has ever brought up his race.
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