
By fennerpearson


This morning I went out for a run and passed a static windmill. As I ran along, I had an idea for my first Vine, which I was rather pleased about as I rather enjoy other people's and I've been frustrated by my lack of inspiration since I downloaded it.

So, later on, as I was driving to work, I pulled over near the windmill, to record my first short video. It didn't go well. Firstly, I couldn't suss out quite how the app worked (i.e. that I needed to keep my finger on the screen) and also the bright sunlight was making it hard to see what was actually going on.

In the end, I returned to the car, somewhat despondent. As the main road is quite narrow, I'd had to pull over into the top of a lane to park and, as I looked up from my 'phone, I saw this view ahead of me. The lane leads down to the tarn that supplies all the water to the cottage where I live and for a moment I was tempted to drive down and look for a photo down there.

And then I remembered that I needed to get to work, so I took this shot instead: a promise to be fulfilled on a quieter day.

And I still haven't posted to Vine :-(

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