The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Art for mum ..

Mum happily went off to art this morning .. so while she was away I did - guess what? - chores! Hoorah!

Mum came home at lunchtime with a pink vase she'd decorated with a posy of colourful flowers in it - sweet!

In the afternoon I went for the briefest trip to Sunk Island and saw egrets and herons flying about .. and was glad to see some more curlew have returned .. but didn't get any decent shots. I tried to sneak up on fishing egrets, but was spotted!

All of which explains today's foxy blip!

I got an email yesterday telling me the local paper was doing a feature on urban foxes this weekend and asking if I'd take part, but I declined.

I don't want publicity for the foxes (or me!) .. there are too many fox haters around, so I shall just keep my foxes to myself.

And blippers.

And all the followers of my Facebook fox page.

Ah ..

View large to have my experience on the lawn ;-)

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