
By Wildwood


I picked a few items out of the bowl on the counter because they all have different curves and look rather nice together. 

A murder of crows murdered my effort to grab just a few minutes' more sleep, but it was just as well because it allowed me to see the sun rise before the clouds moved in. It has rained a bit...still a novelty for us since it rains very little in the summer here. I took myself off to Pilates before it started but it was a decent rain by the time I got home.

I'm ready to retire under a rock somewhere when it comes to the news. It's surprisingly difficult to avoid it. Reading the paper in the morning, listening to National Public Radio in the car and watching the news on television at night are all engrained in our daily routine. We're reading Edward Abbey in the morning, and I listen to the classical radio station in the car (John changes it back) but somehow the evening news is a hard habit to break. Especially since the days are drawing in and we're no longer sitting outside in the evening. What I have heard today is appalling...a Fox radio host in charge of the military? The Generals must be beside themselves. Elon Musk the 'shadow president'? I thought that would be JD Vance, but this is even worse! All this interlaced with stories and columns about how the economy is going to tank, the people who elected him will be worse off than ever and the only people who will benefit are the top 1% who will get richer. Will it be possible to blame the 'Deep State' or the media when everything costs more? There is a reason why he wants to get rid of the Department of Education....

I fear there will be more rants to come, but I'll try to control myself....and not get angry.....can't promise about not getting depressed though.

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