Stealing Daddy's chocolate cake

Oh what a day. I was up at 6.45am to make sure mummy got up for work I time. So daddy gave me breakfast while mummy got herself ready for work. Once mummy had gone off to work daddy took me in my buggy to drop my brother and sister off at football camp. I then had a wee nap, well I say wee, 2 hours.

Once up I had lunch and play time with daddy before picking my brother and sister up. I made such a mess, I kept emptying my toy box for daddy to put all the toys back in. He is no fun. I also went out to the shops for a few bits and pieces.

I was so pleased to see mummy, I had really missed her. So when daddy to me to change my nappy I was very upset but mummy then took me for my bath. I stood up the whole time, only sat down for a wee while.

Now it's bed time and I am ready to party. One bobo later and I am sound asleep.

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