
By JudeL

The return of the tree

When I moved into this house three years ago there was rather a large tree in my front lawn. As it was too close to the house and took too much light I had it trimmed right back into a reasonable shape by a tree surgeon.

The following summer the tree grew out of all proportion until I was driving through it to get off the drive and the neighbours kept chopping bits off it - I think they were hinting that it was getting a bit out of hand. So I sent for the tree surgeon who told me when he returned that pruning the tree had sent it into shock and it was reacting to this. I suggested he should re-trim it but his advice was to take it down altogether.

Much to the upset of other people on the drive who liked the tree - they didn't have to suffer it grabbing them every time they left the house - I had the tree felled.

All was fine until a couple of weeks ago when it suddenly decided to grow again. Some of the fronds are definitely heading towards my front door and I am convinced it is out for revenge!!

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