
By Poppy


When Lottie and I went out after tea the sky was red! At a farm further round the bay there was a huge fire, all the buildings were lit up by it. The flames were huge, I've never seen a fire so big, flames so high before. Bonfire night is seen as a great opportunity to get rid of any rubbish lying about and this one certainly was!

We continued our postprandial walk and were safely back in the house before the fireworks started. Lottie hates the noise but Gardeners' World was on so Monty Don was turned up good and loud to help drown out the bangs. Mike and I watched them for a while, they were a terrific sight, it was a super display, just wish they weren't so frighteningly loud! I imagine the cattle felt the same as Lottie, glad when they were over for another year!

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