Don't Look A Golden Gift Bag In The Mouth
After yesterday's downbeat effort I was determined to try and look on the bright side and find a more upbeat image. It's bad back day two but I know from previous experience that it won't last so with some heat patches and a strategically placed hot water bottle or two the pain has started to dissipate a little. I think painkillers just mask the problem and they always make me feel a bit weird anyway.
The phrase "don't look a gift horse in the mouth" originates in St Jerome's commentary from 400 AD on Paul's letter to the Ephesians. In Latin the proverb is "noli qui denotes inspicere donati" (never inspect the teeth of a given horse). In modern parlance this is taken to mean you shouldn't criticise a gift, even if you don't like it very much.
So o.k I didn't quite manage to locate a suitably equine representation but when I saw this resplendent golden carelessly cast aside gift bag at the end of my bed I was more than happy to see it as a sign of a pain free near future! :-)
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