
By PeterAllsop


Sitting waiting for a milkshake, I had my camera sitting on the cafe table... put it on 12 seconds time exposure, aperture 22 and ISO100.

Definitely a mixture of exposures, correct, under and over. The lady eating was moving slow enough to produce a recognisable image, the cafe front is clearly defined, the wheelchair enters and a helpful man moves back and forth to create motion, but long enough to pause the chair. Me, I'm reflected in the window, just watching the ships pass by. The passerbys oblivious to the camera not connected to my being. The wheelchair exposed, but the driver of the chair a blur, the lady has a knife and fork, but would you know if I didn't tell you. What does the eye see and what does it want to see. It's a photo that the more you look, the more you realise that on time exposure, some things declare themselves more than others, trees, cars, fluoros,computers .. they are all there.....mmmm

It's a photo that if you change the angle you look at it, different parts will be exposed

Got me thinking, Is it a better state of place to wander through life a little under the radar? This photo is far from perfect, but it's my take on left/right, dark/light, known/unknown, fact/fiction, love/hate, extrovert/introvert, seen/unseen.

blip blip blip

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