
By shy

Busy Bee

There is nothing like having a nice sharp picture of nice sharp bee sitting totally still on a nice sharp flower. And of course this is nothing like that.
The reality of the situation is that the plants blow about in the wind and the bees scurry from flower to flower dipping their wassnames in the flower's thingy and moving quickly on without so much as a pause or friendly thank -you to the poor violated flower. The mass-production of lavender honey is a blur of industrious activity and I think a photograph should reflect that.

OK you rumbled me. I didn't get a single focussed shot. Some were more in focus than this one, but I like this one. If nothing it is an illustration of all the different types of blur you can get: Motion Blur, camera shake, gaussian blur.....

I seem to have accquired the macro lens this week. Must have forgotten to unload it out of the camera bag at the weekend.

I was a busy bee today, too.

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