Packed tight

I realise it’s not a very interesting photo but I’m always amused at how many cigs my neighbour friend can pack into his ashtray before finally emptying it.

Today at school was quite frustrating and produced a fairly flat feeling. (Nothing to do with the kids…they were great).
At the end of the day I just wanted to leave, then stood undecided, then started marking and happy to be getting something useful done.
Then I got a text asking if I would be joining the zoom!!!!! I was already 15mins late…and I was still at work!!!!
With it being Thursday I had completely forgotten about it!
I messaged back, dropped everything and ran!

It was no problem that I was late thankfully. They were only going over stuff that I had already handed in.
Not a lot happened in it for me this evening and we finished an hour early! :D

Dinner. Tv. Combed Scout. :)

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