
By MumOf4Wildlings

Chocolate face

This little jedi is becoming more independent and sneaky. I'm going to have to rearrange all my kitchen cupboards.  He keeps sneaking to make a chocolate sandwich.  I keep the bread high up in one of the food cupboards so he climbs my counters. He always waits until I'm doing something.  At least my floors were saved this time. He made himself juice the other day and managed to pour half a bottle of diluted juice over my steamed kitchen floor.  He tried to clean it up. Bless. 

Everyone is knackered so it's a night off from cheerleading for the wildlings.  
I've put my running gear on now so that I will actually go a run later when I pick up Mr R.  I've felt off for a couple of days so hoping I'm not coming down with anything. Thankfully I was able to take the car today as cycling 12 miles yesterday messed my back up. 

Lots to do around the house ..trying to catch up with things is a nightmare at the moment.  Not sure if it's because I'm back to working 5 days a week or that the wildlings are normally busy. 

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