Burrell's Masters of Impressionism
A second day enjoying works of art. This temporary exhibition at the Burrell Collection runs until 5 January 2014, showing over forty of his 19th century paintings and pastels. So good to see this collection brought together, some works have never been on public display before.
Well displayed, with helpful notes, including how much he paid for each work, and the equivalent value today. About six of the works have these iPad-type panels, with more background details about the artist and the work. I thought these were really good, although would have appreciated even more info. Here you can see "Portrait of Edmond Durranty" by Degas, and the only Renoir Burrell bought "Lady with Auburn Hair".
There is also a very interesting small exhibition about gilt and silk early 17th century costume, including a short video about types of fabric and stitching used.
Sad to see more buckets around the building, collecting water, and even puddles forming without buckets. Seemingly this morning a few paintings were removed on the first floor due to concern about water damage. The roof of the building continues to be a big problem.
The southside missed the rain, and we enjoyed a walk around the park, noting one very large tree which has come down over a main path. We wonder if it was hit by lightning. The path has been cleared, but there is still a lot of debris around.
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