michigan man

By outdoorguy

Mr. Trump Returns to the Big House

I said yesterday that I don't think Blip is the place to air political opinions, but...

Here are my personal words to describe Donald J. Trump. In alphabetical order.

I think he is:
1. A cheater
2. A Christianwhenhewantsyourvote.
3. A con man.
4. A crook.
5. A grifter.
6. A huckster.
7. A sidewinder.
8. A snake oil salesman.
9. A swindler.

After saying ALL that, the man is now MY president for the 2nd time, and I hope I can give him the respect that the office deserves. He talked in his acceptance speech about unifying America, and I hope he does. We really need it.

One last political thought before the election of 2028.

The Donald really does scare me, and so does his new political buddies Elon Musk and RFK Jr. Yikes.

REALLY the last political thought before 2028.

While I'm not personally going to buy the Trump bible, the Trump digital trading cards, the Trump coins, the Trump sneakers, the Trump watch, or the Trump crypto...I do wish he would stop selling stuff. How embarrassing, how unpresidential.

Now I'm done. Congratulations to DJT.

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