Monteath Mausoleum
I woke up to find TT sitting at his laptop doing some work. As we had both taken today off, I didn’t even know he had brought his laptop with him. He is too dedicated, or maybe just mad. Anyway, there was no rush to get ready as he had to finish what he was doing.
We eventually checked out, and went for a look around Glasgow Cathedral, which was much quieter than when I was last there. We then continued our wander to the Necropolis, which neither of us had visited before. It was a pretty grey and damp day, so the views over the city weren’t great, but we had an interesting look around.
We wandered back into town and had a very nice lunch in an Italian restaurant. We then wandered a bit further, did a wee bit if shopping, and then caught a train back to Edinburgh. We had quite a wait on our bus home, which was running late.
I popped out for s few provisions, TT called his mum, and I sorted out a snack, as we weren’t overly hungry. Later we watched some TV. It’s been nice having a random day off together.
This is the Monteath Mausoleum in the Necroplis.
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