Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Sunny Sunderland

Today has been a nice day. Tiring and stressful but nice. This whole geology thing seems to be falling in to place.

I miss the boy and the fuzzies but it's definitely proving to be a worth while trip.

I had another light house photo for today but in the end, this one won.

We had one final location to visit at the end of the day and whilst we studied Permian sediments and tried to work out what had gone on as they formed, our two additional needs workers had some fun. They've been fantastic, carrying chairs, checking people are ok, helping people when they faint etc so I guess they deserved to play. The picture above is of their sand city which they made using a hard hat "bucket" it's complete with moat and everything.

The staff at the uni have finally got their heads around how to serve dinner. They had tasty soup, salad that wasn't just iceburg lettuce and a few tomatoes and everything seemed to run much smoother than the previous days.

I'm off for another two hours of lab work now. Hope you're all having a lovely week.

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