
By H22

Place: Greenville, SC 55/64
Main activity: Tues - election day!, gray & drizzly, new client Zoom
Notes: Woke early and think I slept thru - shocker! Quiet morning, gray cool and drizzle. Relaxing morning around the house, 11a-1215p Zoom then w/ Michelle Dion to help with her biz - went well. Took Lizzy for a walk to mailboxes then, wet ground but rain had paused. Took a nice epsom/magnesium bath when I got back. Cooked a big ribeye around 2p - had salt brined in the fridge for 2 days. Also roasted then cooked the last few carrots (tho they didn't come out great) ... and made a couple fried eggs. Quiet afternoon, some online. If the world is anxious or anything, I'm not feeling it here! Went to bed early, watched tv a bit there until I couldn't stay awake.

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