Park it like you stole it - Part 2

With reference to my blip from Sunday I present to you a classic example of the culprit's parking prowess.


I have doctored the number plate to preserve privacy.

Have got square eyes - have spent five hours marking work today.

But somehow, despite it being a fairly sendentary day for me, sat on my backside, marking coursework, I have still managed to walk 8832 steps since I got up this morning - thats walking up and down the stairs to my classroom from my office, up to the shop for my butty at lunchtime, and back and forth to the loo, and the staffroom (staffroom to make brews - loo to get rid!!!). So 5.3 KM and 264 calories just from my casual mooching around school. Think I might take a walk now and get it up to 10000!

Have great evening...

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