Over Yonder

By Stoffel

My Little Chickadee

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Caro and I were hoping for a quiet Sunday after yesterday's shenanigans but it was not to be. 

For one thing, Caro realised she accidentally kept the keys to the funeral home and had to drive back to Waikenae to drop them off.

For another thing, OrkneyCaro and G-Man were on their way back to Nelson from Palmy and asked if they could stop by for a cuppa.


(From Caro. Not from me. I was still asleep while the whirlwind was going on).

So Caro and I drove out to Waikenae and I got to see where she works. It was really nice! If you overlook all the death and mourning. It's big too. A lot of carpet. 

"I can see why you hate vacuuming," I commented.

After this, we popped to the supermarket to pick up some nice things for lunch and arrived back just in time for C&G. They were on great form and we had a lovely visit the headline of which was 


Apparently, he's a little old rather deaf gentleman now, but he's doing a tour of Aotearoa as part of his mission to give something back to the LGBTQ community. 

We spent a couple of hours chatting and then after they left, it was BACK TO PYJAMAS for the rest of the day.

Other than Colin stopping by for biscuits, that was as social as the rest of Sunday got.


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