
By RadioGirl

Migraine Monday

I woke up with an ocular migraine in progress. I get the visual aura, but not the headache, though I always feel pretty weak, weedy and nauseous afterwards. I turned over and drifted back off to sleep, during which I had a vivid and not very nice dream about revisiting my former flat in Chesham. I woke from that with a jolt and another ocular migraine obscuring my vision, this time the jittery zigzag pattern was working its way to the opposite periphery of my vision. I have been suffering with anxiety and depression for a while, and it sometimes comes out in these unsettling migraines. I wanted to finish reading the novel today ready for book club this evening, but instead was forced to rest and therefore lose the whole day. Until about half an hour beforehand it was touch and go whether I would make it along to the meeting at all, but after a light supper I felt improved enough to try joining the other ladies. Luckily the pub where we meet is really quiet on Mondays, and is only a couple of minutes away by car. I’m glad I made the effort, as we had a fun couple of hours and a good natter about all sorts. We didn’t have a full discussion about the book, because most of us hadn’t finished it - we decided to defer it to the next meeting in a month’s time. I’ve emergency blipped the next novel we’re going to read. The previous book by this author, mentioned on the cover of this one, was a pleasant read so hopefully this one should be enjoyable.

I’ve switched off commenting on my blips for a while. I will continue to give stars and hearts to blippers I follow, but won’t be commenting very much. Apologies for not joining in, I am feeling overwhelmed with everything and unable to cope with any extra pressure at the moment.

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