
By tridral

Wedi'i esgeuluso

Wedi'i esgeuluso ~ Neglected

“Photography is a strong tool, a propaganda device, and a weapon for the defense of the environment...and therefore for the fostering of a healthy human race and even very likely for its survival.”
― Eliot Porter

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Roedd rhaid i mi fynd i Ysbyty Rookwood heddiw i gael pigiad atgyfnerthu. Roeddwn i werthfawrogi i'r staff CIG am weithio yn hwyr prynhawn dydd Sul. Rydw i'n meddwl bod y CIG yn anhygoel, ond wedi'i esgeuluso.

Gallech chi wneud llun-draethawd ar bwnc o esgeulustod dim ond o gwmpas Ysbyty Rookwood, lle rydych chi'n gallu gweld rhwd a phydredd ym mhobman. Mae'n drueni gweld y fath beth, lle byddai am ychydig o ofal dros y blynyddoedd yn cadw pethau mewn cyflwr da. Nawr, allai costio miliynau i adfer yr adeiladau. Bydd hi'n rhatach i ddymchwel y lle ac yn adeiladau rhywbeth newydd. Efallai dyna beth rhai o bobol yn gobeithio.

Pan fyddwch chi'n rhyfela nid ydych chi'n esgeuluso'ch byddin. Rydyn ni'n rhyfela yn erbyn salwch ac anafiadau trwy'r amser, felly dylwn ni cefnogi ein milwyr (a'u barics).

Mae un adeilad (hen dŷ haf efallai) rydw i'n hoffi'n fawr iawn. Mae'n atgoffa i fi o rywle o Swistir neu'r Almaen. Mae drws mawr gyda fe a mosaigau uwch ben y drws a'r ffenestri. Mae'n hyfryd, ond, fel popeth arall, mae e wedi esgeuluso.

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I had to go to Rookwood Hospital today for a booster shot. I was grateful to the NHS staff for working late on a Sunday afternoon. I think the NHS is amazing, but neglected.

You could make a photo essay on the subject of neglect just around Rookwood Hospital, where you can see rust and rot everywhere. It's a shame to see such a thing, where a little care over the years would keep things in good condition. Now, it could cost millions to restore the buildings. It will be cheaper to demolish the place and build something new. Maybe that's what some people are hoping for.

When you are at war you do not neglect your army. We are at war with illness and injury all the time, so we should support our troops (and their barracks).

There is one building (maybe an old summer house) that I like very much. It reminds me of somewhere in Switzerland or Germany. It has a large door with mosaics above the door and windows. It's lovely, but, like everything else, it's neglected.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen adeilad ar dir Ysbyty Rookwood. Mae'r adeilad wedi cael eu addurno gyda mosaigau.

Description (English): An old building in the grounds of Rookwood Hospital. The building has been decorated with mosaics.


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