Fine fella

Lashing rain this morning, high humidity and general greyness. Still, I've had a useful day, delivering cards, making blackcurrant ice cream, cutting back the hebes which have gone mad and finally managed to get tickest for the Quiz night! Every year we have a Regatta in the village and one of the highlights is the Quiz night. Usually the quizmaster is either the vicar (questions about the Simpsons) or the priest (questions about obscure saints). Well this year it's Graham Norton! Mysteriously tickets (and there are never tickests) sold out before the posters were even printed. I put my name down for a table just in case there were any returns and didn't expect to hear another thing. Well, the pub where it will be held, rang up and they are squeezing in a few more tables so we're in! I think we might be upstairs and Graham downstairs but he might swing up. It will be hot, sweaty and hilarious. The pub is very small, the questions usually very difficult, the raffle endless but you do get chips and sandwiches at half time.

Inspite of the weather I decided to swim. I have to confess that it wasn't a whole lot of fun for the water was cold murky after the rain, and there were a lot of jellyfish. Still I did it and spotted this fine fella on the way back. A 6 Spotted Burnet Moth I believe, feasting on some ragwort which looks surprisingly pretty close up. On closer insepction he seems to have more than 6 spots- would that be on each wing?

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