Pensaernïaeth ~ Architecture
“Architecture is frozen music.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Rydw i’n hoff iawn o hen bensaernïaeth, pethau ar raddfa ddynol, pethau gyda manylion diddorol, nid dim ond arwynebau gwastad o frics, gwydr a choncrit. Gyda phopeth y gallwn ei wneud heddiw dylai fod yn haws gwneud strwythurau clasurol bythol, Pethau i godi pobl oddi ar eu byd bob dydd i fyd hudolus. Rhywbeth sy’n dod ag ysbrydoliaeth. Mae datblygiad yn gyfle i wneud ein syniadau concrit, ond weithiau mae'n debyg concrit yw'r unig syniad.
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I really like old architecture, things on a human scale, things with interesting details, not just flat surfaces of brick, glass and concrete. With everything we can do today it should be easier to make timeless classic structures, Things to lift people out of their everyday world into a magical world. Something that brings inspiration. Development is an opportunity to make our ideas concrete, but sometimes concrete is the only idea.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Golygfa i lawr 'Y Gwter' i'r hen adeiladau ac adeiladau newydd. Dych chi'n gallu gweld to'r hen Swyddfa Bost ar Heol y Porth
Description (English): View down 'Golate to the old and new buildings. You can see the roof of the old Post Office on Westgate Street
Ref: Golate/Y Gwter
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