More late night kitchen blooms.
A busy day of sorting, tidying, cleaning and (of course) strimming the garden. But all that was out of the way in time for a sit down in front of the Tour so that when our guests arrived I was calm, rather than the whirlwind of dust and sweat that normally greets our summer visitors (lovely, huh?)
Today's visitors are old friends from where we used to live in Scotland - Mrs and I were in the same book group and TallGirl and Daughter were in the same class. CarbBoy was a little overwhelmed at having a 14 year old boy to entertain (I think he has a new hero) and it was a chance to get to know Mr Guest who I've not had much to do with previously.
And so a lovely afternoon and evening ensued: Mr B kept us all supplied with cooling cocktails, the guests oohed and aahed in all the right places on the tour of the house, and dinner was copious and delicious. The kids largely found their own ways to bed and we had a suprisingly early night too - hardly surprising after the early cocktail start.
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