Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Spotlight on Fife (And Granton Gas Tower)

Blue skies in the morning again with mist rolling over the top of the hills. A shame I have to work and have things to do, otherwise I would have been dashing down to the nearest viewpoint to get a photo.

Partner out in the morning, so a walk on my own, after finishing work stuff. Sunny in Edinburgh, dark in Fife. However, at one point a patch of sunshine lines up perfectly with the old Granton Gas Tower. The metal work has been restored on the gas tower. The space within the gas tower will have a multi sensory play zones, a space to display art as well as a relaxation space and an place for sport, exhibitions community space and festivals

In the afternoon, clouds move in. Around about coffee time, a bit of blue sky appears, and my hopes were for a nice sunny afternoon walk. However the clouds win out, and the walk is under grey leaden skies.

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