I came close to not getting a blip today. I'm not sure where the day has gone, though I have spent a lot of time catching up on blipfoto, and also looking for something suitable for what I found to be a very difficult TT challenge - thanks freespiral!
I'd finalised on a Mystic Bunnykins figure, which looked vaguely like a magician/alchemist with a book of spells or recipes - and then I dropped it! Mrsfb heard the crash as it fell on to the tiled floor. I will have to look out the superglue tomorrow.
So, not on theme, but I've gone for these galactic/planetary Celebrations. A diary blip. Yes, I won the raffle at camera club last night. Well second prize, but there were plenty to bring home even after passing them around, as is the custom at club. There are even some still left now, which is unusual for us.
I did OK in the competition too. I got something for each of my four entries, a third place, a highly commended, and two commendeds.
One year ago:
The Wedding - Homeward Bound
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