First Poppies
No Veterans Breakfast this month, replaced today by collecting Mrs S straight from work for a breakfast date.
Home for to change before heading down to Kimberley Park and the First Poppy Laying. The day used to signify the start of the ‘November Ceremonies’ period and the Poppy Appeal but times change, the Poppy Appeal start day has gradually advanced, the period of Remembrance more focussed around the Remembrance Sunday weekend.
The family Poppy’s had one extra this year and went in together in two rows. (Additional Photo)
Rugby in the afternoon, I watched the 2’s, quite enjoyable despite another heavy defeat, tough going when you only have 13 on the pitch for long periods.
No beer, home early for an evening with Mrs S, chatting to Josh and Tiana up in Scotland and making plans for our visit in December.
The first wave of Poppy Crosses laid this morning are the start, in the coming two weeks the number will grow until it carpets the area around the stone.
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