Just the Withers......

By JaneW

London …

We took Martha the 4 year old niece to London …. We got on the train at 9.35am and arrived home at 9.15pm and that baby DID NOT STOP TALKING… her mum says she’s like Donkey from Shrek which initially made us really laugh but now we see it’s completely true !
She’s a very very good girl , Martha not her mum .
We did a double decker bus ride up stairs right at the front and took a taxi at the end of the day where upon Martha made friends with the cabbie and talked him half to death . We went to the most bizarre experience which is like an interactive walk through pantomime about Shrek ( Martha absolutely loves the films ) it was probably a little bit to old for her but she seemed to really get into it . I wouldn’t go again but t was different. . She was up with the lions at Trafalgar Square a couple of times and thought that was amazing … then we spent FIFTY MINUTES in the hotter than hell toy store Hamleys , they have a Lego table you can play at and she certainly made use of the free time there .
Thinking she would rest on the train home we had taken books downloaded to our phones … HOW WRONG WE WERE …. Readers she did not rest - she was buzzing !!!!
Would we do it again ? Yes …. 100 % .

Added quite a lot to extras to use some up x

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