
By KathyH58

The last plant buying trip of the season

I ended up going to the valley today. The first nursery I stopped at didn't have all of the shrubs that I needed so I headed to Wolfville and managed to get the remaining shrubs. It wasn't easy. They didn't have what I wanted in the retail section. I asked the cashier (who was looking at the azalea I had on my cart) if they had any summersweet. She started looking for it under azaleas! I had to tell her it was not an azalea, to look under Clethra. Fortunately the other cashier heard me and she stepped in and took over from the other girl. They had to call one of ones working outside to see if he could find them as it said they had 14 in stock on the computer. He found one and brought it in. I needed 5. Then another of the outside workers came in and she said she thought there was more up in the field. So the 2 of them left to find them, About 15 minutes later they were back with what I needed. Everything fit in the back of the truck too, a total of 17 shrubs from the 2 nurseries. I dropped them off at the customer's house on the way home to save me unloading them here, then loading them on the truck again for Wednesday morning.
It was only 12:30 so I had lots of time to stop at my favorite bakery for a chicken salad sandwich to bring home for supper. Then I drove some of the back roads looking for photo ops.
Last fall, on a road trip with a photo society friend we found a place with a lot of Halloween decorations. I decided to find it again, the extra is a photo from there. I continued back to the Grand Pre area and in the main photo there is a different truck than what is usually there. The old one was parked off to the side and further back so they may still use it for the winter display.

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