
By BikerBabe


Finished work this morning and popped home for a quick shower. Tooth still being painful, had managed to get an emergency appointment this morning so I scooted off there for 9:30.

As sorta expected, a previously filled tooth is not in a good way and the nerve infected. The dentists plan was to drill into it, inject antibiotics into the nerve and then temporarily refill it whilst I decided whether to have root canal treatment in a few weeks or have the tooth out.

After 3 syringes of anaesthetic she drilled away only to find it cracked, so after doing what she had to advised having it removed when possible.

"Any questions?"

"Will it hurt?"

"No it shouldn't"


And so your Gal is going to have a tooth extracted next month on her birthday...marvellous.

Good news is I still managed to wake up for tonight's Nightshift after not a lot of sleep, make some tea (or rather 'warm' some tea - Pizza) and my mouth is no longer very Ouchy. Am going to be avoiding anything that may aggravate it or disturb the filling, not to mention reassess my unhealthy relationship with Biscuits.

No pictures so blip is a picture of our local shopping malls glass roof pictured a few days before. It is sort of relevant in that I walked through here to the chemist for some further antibionics the dentist prescribed.

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