
By HareBrain

A very sad day ..

My dear friend H texted me early this morning to ask if I was awake.  I replied ‘Yes’.  She rang to tell me her partner S had died in the night.  Oh my word, what a terrible shock.  S only 71, a healthy man, keen cyclist, power plane and glider pilot with no current health issues went to bed last night feeling fine, but at 1.30am he woke with severe chest pains and told H he didn’t feel at all well.  She phoned 999 to be told that no ambulances were available for the next few hours but suggested if she could get S into a car she should drive him to a local hospital, which she did.   I won’t go into any more details but despite the best of treatment, S died very soon after.  Needless to say we are all reeling.

I’ve Spent most of the day with my friend until her son drove a considerable way to collect her and take her to his home and young family for the weekend and will be trying to unravel the awful outfall of the last 24 hours.

The pink Rose is from H’s lovely garden.  

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