
By 58jc


I spoke to M first thing - she was sitting up in bed with a cup of tea and so was I.  She is a good friend and we are on the same wave length.  She had to get us as Scout needed a walk.....I continued to read the paper (although why I bother with all the doom and gloom going on, I am not sure?).

Lovely catch up with old friend Tim - first neighbours over 44 years ago.  Lots of laughs and made a coffee and cheese scone last for three hours.  OH played golf and went to get petrol in readiness for mowing the grass but think it might be next year now!!

Raining and getting dark by 5.00 - Autumn truly here but hoping for an Indian Summer (am I allowed to say that) and a sunny day on 7th November for No.1 wedding.

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