Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

The End Result

I got a phone call from my sister this morning - could she come and have a coffee? ..... Of course!
She arrived just before the the girl from the Chest, Heart & Stroke Association.
That was a long 'consultation' ........ maybe 5 minutes! But it was good news. She was happy with the progress SWMBO has made and she has arranged that the 'follow-up' appointment will be at St Johns (not having to go the the ERI) .... and even better - it will be with SWMBO's guardian angel.
After that, I gave Sis her coffee and we had a chat for just shy of an hour at which point she had to go and collect my cousin from his interview.
As she left, I gave her a wooden cup ... which is much better than the one I had served her coffee in which she was impressed with.

I have ordered a new drive belt for my drill press - which would appear to be the problem with me not being able to drill with it.

Apart from that .... I have taken emergency pictures of the light next to me as I hadn't picked up the camera all day.
The progression of shots is Here..... (don't look at them for too long or you may go blind like I did)

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