
By KatesGardenPDX

Cold but Productive

Brrr it was downright chilly this morning! I woke up to 38F/3C and actually had to put the furnace on. I haven't used it yet this season - between my gas fireplace and the well-insulated house I haven't needed it....times have changed!

Another good walk in the crisp air this morning, followed by my typical Wednesday grocery shopping. Then I came home to finish my blog entry, which should have been posted last week, but I asked my sister to write a paragraph, which she was happy to do...it just takes a bit longer to coordinate. There's an interesting twist to this post...and an answer to a REALLY big question! Here's a link if you're interested:
I'm not sure where I'll go to next with this story....and I'm thinking about writing a book with the blog posts as a basis...curious to know what you all think.

My friend brought over the last of our shared CSA allotment this afternoon (Community Supported Agriculture). There was some gorgeous radicchio which caught my eye as the sun came through the window and lit it up!

Pilates late this afternoon...my muscles will be sore tomorrow! 

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