
By tail

All fired up!

Just doing a pottery firing in my gas kiln. What your seeing is the back pressure in the kiln forcing the flame out the spy hole. It always amazes me that after all that goes into making a pot, the effort and love it takes to get a vessel to this stage the finally outcome lies with the firing. This can make it or break it in determining the destiny of its life. Well it live or die. This is a question every potter asks themselves once they open there kiln.Everything must stand the test of the fire. And just like us. When we are being tested in life what or who determines our outcomes? Thankfully, out of the kiln the pot transcends its potness- most often becoming a thing of beauty. I'll leave you with a favourite poem of mine-
"What is a Pot" What is a pot, a pot is not just any gray little bowl of clay , a pot is a pot
for daffodis or a pot for pills, cruets and goblets, jars and jugs platters and plates and trays and mugs, shallow pots or dark and keep pots to give and pots to keep, touch them, hold them, pick them up, batter bowl or sake cup and feel the curve of earth and sky, kitchen warm or springtime shy, a pot is a mood of may hues but most of all a pot is to use

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