Lala's Journal

By Lala

The only way to eat carrots!

What a day! 
For 6-8 months before B’s final diagnosis, he was clearly poorly. 
He had appointments with various doctors who tried to assess the problem. He went for X-rays, Ct scans, MRIs - every one at a different hospital or clinic. Some an hour’s drive away. And each time, I driven him there. I stayed with him, I went into consultations with him, I waited while he had ‘oscopys’ and drove him Home again. I ‘nursed’ when it was necessary. 
On occasion in previous years he did the same for me - a gall bladder removal in 2012 for instance. It’s what you do. And we wouldn’t have wanted it any different. Today I really took on board what it’s like to do that stuff on your own. 
And Kent and Canterbury Hospital is now my least favourite! Not one car park, but four. Tiny ones. You drive in, take a ticket, drive round and if there’s no spaces you have to drive out again! On to the next one and do the same again. They are not close together, it took a while to find the next one! I  got lucky on car park 3 but there are huge building works going on and no signs. I never did find the proper entrance and walked miles of corridor! All this with the stress that your appointment is to ‘rule out cancer’. 
The doctor did rule it out! The lesion on my cheek bone is pre cancerous and she recommended the 4 week cream treatment over freezing or scraping, both of which would leave a scar. I wish I’d taken the freezing, it wasn’t until later that I realised I am at least 40 years older than her, and a small scar wouldn’t have mattered! But, I opted for the cream, so she wrote the prescription and handed me a leaflet with pictures of a man’s face at 7 days of the cream, 14 and 21.. OMG! Red,inflamed, scabby and she asked if I could take time off work! Apparently this means it’s working! And no, a month off work is not an option. Well, it’s probably six weeks before that all clears she said! 
I drove home, via the village and went to the pharmacy. Oh no, they said. We’ve not been able to get new stock of that for ages! Phone pharmacies to see if they’ve got it before making the journey! Once home, I phoned a total of 9 pharmacies, 4 didn’t have it, 3 didnt  answer the phone, one had closed down. Eventually Boots in Hythe said yes, they had one tube which they would hold for me, but only for the day. I was supposed to be wfh! I had driven through Hythe on the way home from the hospital! But off I went, only to find when I got there, they had closed for an hour due to staff shortages. So, I ate cake (picture) and drank coffee while I waited. 
So, I read the leaflet (scary) and applied first dose tonight. Only 27 to go and can only hope it doesn’t get too awful looking! 
And to regular readers, I’m sorry for the rant (if you’ve stuck it out to the end that is)! :) I feel better for having written it down!
2 weeks!

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