
By rat

Shield bug

Waiting to welcome me when I got home with the shopping, the camera came out before the shopping got unloaded from the car.
Life seems hectic at the moment, but it is patly self-induced.
Today was getting out the washing, Keepfit, delivering something to a friend (and having a cuppa and short chat while I was there) and doing the shopping,
For the afternoon it was a trip down to the ponds with Mr Rat to try to remove a large, fallen tree branch from the path but it proved too big to remove completely using our saw, though some smaller parts were removed making it easier to get by. I picked up half a bag of rubbish on the way back and once home went into the garden as it was too nice a day not to get some jobs done.
The new raised bed is now almost in place and will be finished when a few plants have died back and things can be moved around a bit more.
Some admin and Zoom prayer meeting this evening.
Day out tomorrow

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