Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

So I finally got around to applying for my passport this weekend. I asked Briar to be my passport referee, which meant I was peppering her with questions like her full name, date of birth, phone, email and home address.

#creepy #stalker

She replied. 

But we got there eventually and my application went in at about 8pm on Sunday night. 

And then on TUESDAY I got an email from Te Tari Taiwhenua (Department of Internal Affairs) that my passport was in the post!

THAT is speedy service! 

And today it arrived! This is exciting because it means I can literally hop on a flight to Australia and go visit Reg in Sydney anytime I like with no visa. 

AND just last week when I met Lee-Ann for lunch she asked me if I would be HER passport person! So I get to pay it forward. 

This feels good. I'm mildly upset that the passport photo is of unshaven me in a Beatles t-shirt* but unflattering passport photos are what passports are all about.


* The passport photo was an impromptu "oh since we're here" affair at a pharmacy. I didn't expect to have to glam up.

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