Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Late Visitor

I've noticed this ladybird walking across the ceiling in the kitchen for the last few days.  It was as I was walking into the porch that I noticed it fly by and land on the frame of one of the windows, in a good place to try and capture an image.  I grabbed the macro lens, some lighting and started to take a few photos, right on the near focus point of the lens. I must admit I didn't get many with critical focus, as the bug was moving and I was probably waving the camera around.

This shot is interesting in that it shows a pattern in the grain of the uPVC frame I'd never noticed before, like a honeycomb effect.

I walked to the pool for a late morning swim before visiting a podiatrist after some advice from the physiotherapist treating my achilles injury.  It is still not improving and the thought is that I am continually aggravating the tendon, much like can happen with plantar fasciitis.  I was diagnosed with supination of my feet so I am having some orthotics to correct it and hopefully resolve the continuing pain.  

In the afternoon the lawns got yet another final cut!  It's crazy (but pleasant) how warm it was.  The grass continues to grow and I'm wondering whether a further cut might be needed before the end of this year.

We had news late in the day that our nephew and his wife have welcomed a new life into the world today.  Welcome Heidi Lily Rose.

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