Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Jack has been having some physio as he gets a sore back and hocks. The physio has set some exercises to do with him to improve his flexibility so we got the poles out and practiced some of those. 

Bit of a frustrating day as planned it t round the farrier coming to shoe Lime at 2.30 turn we were going to hack out afterwards. He cancelled on me at 2.15 which was worse as when I got him in his front shoe was hanging off. Have had to pull it off myself but obviously couldn't ride him so just had to chuck him back out and there wasn't time to get Bud in. Nevermind. I did manage to get Jack clipped today as well. He's so good to clip. Just stands there like a statue. It only took me about 45 mins. 

The boys spent the day climbing in the peaks. Unfortunately I had to work this morning. Eva came with me as she didn't fancy climbing. 

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