Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

I Hope This Works....

I actually set out with an 'end product' in mind rather than just seeing what comes along (which I normally do) .

The 'End Product' was the Mono Monday challenge (theme 'Motion').

My first thought was in the extras box - but I didn't know if a 'merged' shot of 2 pictures was allowed ........ so I went with the tree in the front garden.

I didn't sleep well last night. I was woken by the howling gale and started worrying that one of the trees in the garden my come down - and that got me wondering what I would have to replace the fence/hedge with .... should it be a fence (which would cost a fortune these days) or a thorny hedge. What a conundrum.....
I think I got back to sleep about 4am.... and woke again at 7am.
The trees were still standing and so was the fence/hedge. 

I peeled the chicken we had yesterday and chopped up all the veg required for the soup .... that is tonight's meal sorted.

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