
By Wanderers13

Chestnuts and acorns

A quiet morning when looking out,, mostly to check for storm damage, all looked fine. 

A good day, some of it in the house, including a lovely chat with Boomerang, she called in to say happy birthday, that made my day C.  After coffee we set out to tour the ‘block’ looking for chestnuts and acorns for the community tree nursery. 

John had previously identified where to look, the first stop was one of my favourite trees, a huge horse chestnut growing along the road from here. In extra. He had a chat with the owner, received the OK and we set about popping these shiny beauties into a bucket. We only choose smallish chestnuts, there are plenty to choose from. 

Our second point was further along the road, passing Treshnish and onto the path down to Black Beach where a colleague from another tree nursery was gathering acorns. He is a lovely man, always helpful and suggested where we could look or not bother if no there are no acorns. A good haul. John is pleased. He isn’t feeling too good, a cold of some sort and decided it was better to go out rather than think he should do it.
And pusscats, Rory outside looking in, Bobbiegirl - wondering where he came from. 

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