Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


The middle photograph in this collage was going to be my main shot because our Japanese anemones are looking so beautiful this year – but then I had a wander around the garden – still in my pink robe – and saw lots of other pink flowers so decided that these would just be part of my collage today. It’s so unusual to see so many flowers still blooming, especially after all the wind and rain we have had, but we know as soon as there is a decent frost then they will be gone, so I took advantage of that. 

I apologise for not commenting yesterday but we had a busy day - Church in the morning, home to cook a quick meal for us and then I was singing again in the evening.  When we got home, I was very tired so decided that I would just rest – so please forgive me, but thank you for all your lovely comments which are much appreciated. 

I love Sundays, but sometimes it’s rather busy and quite tiring and I still need to pace myself - guess that is part of the privilege of getting older!

I have just been out for coffee with my very good friend, Lillieth – and we had a lovely catch-up. Mr HCB, meanwhile was out in the garden when I left, cutting down plants and also trying to clear out the greenhouse.  There was a lot to do but once again, he has done really well - and I am now the proud recipient of  the bounty you can see in my extra shot. Just a shame he hadn’t picked these before I went as I could have taken some for Lillieth! 

Three quarters of the way through this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, you all know what to do – so please do keep CLICKING on this LINK so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram and any other breast cancer related care may have a free one!  

Have a great week. M xx 

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