
By Lsquare

The New Self Versus The Old Self.....

We came together at FBC on this beautiful fall day to worship and praise God Who loves us more than we could ever imagine.  We were grateful for the cooler temperatures along with the warmth of fellowship with other believers.  Our service began with a congregational song which was followed by the welcome from Daniel McGinty.  After that the choir , orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists presented a heart-felt rendition of a song that has become a favorite of mine, "Holy Forever".  the congregation again joined hearts and voices in more songs of praise, before Pastor Wes led us back into Ephesians 4:25-32 to talk to us about the differences in our lives before we belonged to Jesus and after we accepted Him as Saviour and Lord.  He covered several different areas of our daily lives, including how we handle the truth(in love), how we handle anger (over things that break God's heart and in a timely manner), how we work (diligently, so that we can take care of our families and have more resources to help those we see in need), how we speak( words that edify and lift up the people we speak to every day, rather than words that tear down and hurt others) and how we care about others (by being kind and a faithful representation of the character of Jesus, remembering always that we are ambassadors for Christ in this broken, hurting world).  There is pink in this collage, though you might have to look carefully, to remind you of Pinktober and the link below that will cost you nothing to click, but will help fund mammograms for those who cannot afford to pay                                                                                                                                                         

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