
By Wildwood

‘Tis the Season

This witch flies down on her broomstick every year about this time, keeping company with a giant skeleton that is taller than the house. The skeleton will still be there two months from now wearing a Santa hat. We figure they don’t know where to put him so they just dress him seasonally.

Blake is with us for the next two weeks as Dana and Jim make their way around Argentina and Chile…specifically Patagonia (which is governed by both…I just checked.
Poor guy is having a hell of a time standing up on our bare wood floors so I’m putting out a few yoga mats for him).

The fire danger seems to have subsided. We never experienced the predicted high winds, but apparently the signature of Diablo winds is that they blow across the mountaintops as opposed to Santa Ana winds which are more prevalent further south and burn down canyons. I was talking with my neighbor today and we both agreed that all the fire services have upped their game and had extra equipment in our area just in case.

I visited with my other neighbor, the artist, for a pleasant interlude on her deck, comparing notes and catching up.

Our Morning Reading was cut short because HCR had a shorter letter than usual, but couldn’t resist pointing out Trump’s obvious mental deterioration and the fact that if he were elected he probably wouldn’t be capable of much governing ability m. If the worst happened, we would be stuck with Vance m, who has even less of a moral compass and virtually no experience at governing anything. Instead we got out our vote by mail ballots out and made our way through it reading bits of it aloud to each other.

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