Huge leaf!

It was a lovely day and we both independently thought about going to Settle!
When we got there I spotted a flag on the top of a crag and said “I wonder if we can get up there?” To which Cathie replied “I was just thinking that!”
So we did! And had a great view of the town below. We then walked on to find a bridleway, then a footpath which eventually led back to where we had started. We had just taken Scout and it was definitely more relaxing with just one dog!
We really enjoyed looking round the old properties in town and what adaptions had been done to them.
Home. Dinner. Walked both dogs. Home and telly time! :)

Leslie had posted about going for an evening swim at Burnsall to see bats and moon and to have a fire after. It sounded lovely and I would have really enjoyed it, except that it still requires quite a bit of energy and organising and it would have made everything a bit of a rush.
I’m glad I opted for a quieter evening, it was what I needed. :)

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