Dental Bouquet
I saw this floral presentation on the low coffee table at the dentists while awaiting his inspection of my recent surgery. At first, I thought that it must have come from a very grateful patient, but now that I've looked at it close up on the screen, I think it's a very authentic looking imitation. Rather lovely though.
Are dentists sadists? Like the dentist played by Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors? Mine took out surgical clips this morning and I felt each one. It was worse than having clips out of my thigh last year.
Afterwards I introduced Len to The Miracle Café in Shepshed for latte and a light sandwich lunch before we motored to the vets to collect Basil's medication and then to the Rushes for Muffin Break and shopping at M&S. Muffin Break had run out of gluten-free muffins! How could they?!
By the time we got home, I was exhausted, made worse by this awful cold.
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