Living my dream

By Mima

Whizzing by

It has been one of those days which has whizzed past. I have been pottering about in the garden, doing spring stuff like potting on some flower seedlings, watering several beds, and putting up the pea netting.

The main shows the latter, with the tunnel house in the background.

The Orkney Farmhouse Cheese experiment has been surprising. The 24 hour set resulted in almost all the solids being turned into soft curds which taste quite sour: not at all what I expected. 

This probably means that the final cheese will be moister than I want, even if I press it harder overnight than I had planned. The solution for the next attempt will be to add a little more rennet at the start and let the milk set for a shorter time.

I have been on the go all day, with not a moment to sit and watch the world go by. But I feel the need to do exactly that for the rest of the evening. 

Toodle pip Blippers. I'll look at Blips in the morning...

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