Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Coffee shot

This is possibly the earliest I've ever filed a daily picture.

My only ritual of the week. Monday morning coffee and Minkies with the Media Guardian (reading today about the Murdochgate phone tapping scandal!)

I'm photographing Jonathan Porritt at BBC Broadcasting House today, so the rest of the day will probably involve me running around.

Photographic post script to the Porritt job:

I arrived to find the conference room in virtual darkness as they were saving the planet by not turning the lights on. What they didn't realise is I'd have to use four nastily toxic alkaline batteries to light the space and therefore fullfill by brief and get paid. Fortunately it brightened up outside, light shone through the windows and I could use the trust old 50mm f1.4 lens to penetrate the darkness.

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